Give Me Just a Handful of Minutes and I'll Show You How To Drastically Simplify Your Golf Game, Ignite Your True Potential & Play Your Best Golf By The Weekend
"You're a bloody legend! I owe you a debt of gratitude so vast that I would love to meet you in person one day and shake your hand."
Richard Cahill, Melbourne, Australia
G'day. My name is Cameron Strachan and I've spent the best part of the last 20 years researching golf, the improvement cycle, the science of the golf swing and better ways of playing golf.
Presumably you're here because your golf game isn't giving you the satisfaction you desire. You're stuck, frustrated or just plain fed up.
Listen: It's my contention that everyday golfers like you make the game too hard.
- You think too much about your golf swing (it's a huge problem)
- You overload your brain with too many swing tips (that don't work or are dodgy at best)
- You struggle to swing with confidence because you're unsure of what you're doing.
As a result you disrupt your inbuilt and natural learning system and make golf way harder than it needs to be. And probably most frustrating of all, nobody has shown you how to "keep things simple".
So you try new stuff. Constantly. You're always tweaking and working on your swing. But you're going around in circles. You're lost - playing well one minute but poorly the next. You can't figure out what's right and what's wrong and it drives you mad!
Hear me out: I know I can help you. I've assisted thousands of golfers from all over the planet and I like to say that I make golf improvement no harder than riding a bike or driving a car.
How can I make such a bold statement?
A: Because golf is a skill like any other skill we perform day to day. Unfortunately this point is missed by the vast majority of golf teachers and golfers. The game has been broken down into too many bits and pieces and it's just too hard to put back together.
The feedback I get most is,
Wow! You really make golf simpler. I've had all the lessons and tried all sorts of things but nobody simplifies the game like you do.
The first step: I've got a free report that challenges the status-quo and will change the way you think about golf improvement. Please read it, only takes a few minutes ...
... then I'll show you the most important video I've created. It's a case study of sorts that shows you the biggest mistake golfers make (it has nothing to do with swing technique) and what you MUST do instead. The change is so subtle that I've never seen any other coach talk about it.
This content is 100% FREE and covers these vitally essential topics:
- How to fix your golf swing without destroying your game in the process
- How to actually make golf simpler and more enjoyable
- The ancient learning strategy that has been ignored by an entire industry
- How to take your game from the practice ground to the first tee
- The best way to avoid self-doubt and play consistently
Yep. The content is free. Probably should charge for it but it's my way of giving back and proving that the content is as powerful as I say it is. Click the button below to continue...
How To Play Better Golf by the Weekend
Free report and essential golf improvement video [Must Watch]
Cameron's passion is the beauty of playing the game of golf and the deeply rewarding learning that can come from it, and in coaching himself and others, I honestly don't know of anyone, in a very confused world of golfers and coaches, who does it better.
- Scott Barrow, Master Coach