Some further reading

I got thinking today on what my favourite golf books are. I’ve read hundreds of books on golf, psychology and learning but I rate the following books as my all time best.

  1. Mind Swings – by Masters and Burns
  2. Extraordinary Golf – Fred Shoemaker
  3. The Inner Game of Golf – W. Tim Gallwey

If you haven’t read them before then I suggest you get your hands on a copy. If you have read them then go read them again. You’ll get an insight or two that will ignite your game.

I’ve also stumbled onto a website that provides plenty of content on natural learning and playing golf your way. This website lists many resources and the author is a perfect example of what can be achieved when you learn to play more naturally. Well worth a look. Visit the Artful Golfer and be sure to say hi from me 🙂

Let me know if you have any other recommendations.

Good golfing,

Cameron Strachan

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  • Artful Golfer

    Reply Reply February 3, 2008

    I’m putting Mind Swings and Quantum Golf on my wish list. I just learned about Quantum Golf a few weeks ago on another site. Another book I’m currently reading along these lines is The Cosmic Laws of Golf by Printer Bowler (may be out of print). Thanks for mentioning my website too! BTW, it was after reading Extraordinary Golf by Fred Shoemaker that I dropped from a 12 to a 4 handicap in 1 year, during my 2nd year playing.

  • anthony cassidy

    Reply Reply March 16, 2008

    Hi Cameron,
    I love your outlook on golf but would like your opinion when it comes to golf and science and the way or styles that some instructors teach.

    I visited your Artful golfers’ site, only to find that he also likes your theories!! Go figure!(ha, ha). Anyway he also likes the style of Shawn Clement from Richmond Hill G.L.C, have you viewed his website and what do you think?
    Also what about the style of David Leadbetter, as he has honed the golf of many a great golfer, and i know his work has changed my style for the better.

    I do not like to change my golf much, but as i have said before, i needed lots of work and with the help of my mate and some old leadbetter tapes i have been able to make some good changes.
    Love your work!

  • Cameron Strachan

    Reply Reply March 17, 2008

    Hi Anthony,

    I haven’t had a good look at Shawn’s website.

    I don’t think it matters too much which coach you use as long as you can automate and make your golf swing natural. if you can’t do this you’ll never be the best player you can be.

    When I learned to make my game more instinctive I took huge steps in my development. Golf has become easier and much more fun.

    Let me know if I can help further.



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