Dealing with annoying golfers

Annoying golfers

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The Angry Golfer

The angry golfer

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Feeling your golf swing and eating a banana

Feeling your golf swing

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Mindless golf versus Automatic Golf

Automatic versus mindless golf Caught up with an interesting fella yesterday. Anthony is a very good golfer, fitness expert and has produced some golf products. He’s a bit like me, using his experiences to help other golfers get more out of their game. I was showing him around the Golf Farm and we were talking…

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Putting masterclass: How to make more of those 3 foot putts

How to make more of those 3 foot putts. Recommendation: Listen to this a few times. There’s some good stuff in here that can help you unlock the mysteries of putting. Another tip: The closer you get to the hole the more relaxed and carefree you need to become. Golfers typically go the other way.…

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Question time

I’ve had a very busy day today and haven’t really been thinking golf (unusual). Thought I’d see if anyone has any questions about Automatic Golf, natural learning or anything golf specific. I’ll create a short podcast on each question and hopefully help you guys along the way. Another note: some updates happening on the website…

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Make more of your golf practice time

Golf practice ideas Notes: This is my favourite practice technique of all. If I could never go to a driving range again it wouldn’t bother me – but “playing golf” and having fun is where it’s at. We all should do this kinda thing a lot more. Just talking about it this morning gave me…

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3 ways to play better golf and make better decisions

3 ways to play better golf and make better decisions

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