Going “deeper” with your golf game

There are no quick-fixes in golf. Sadly, much of the golf industry are hell-bent on instant gratification. But it’s a lie that many of us crazy golfers believe that then leads to a self perpetuating system that causes more harm than good. We tend to be brainwashed into thinking the important stuff is; swing changes hitting…

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Power of Simplicity

I’ve been a fan of simplifying golf for years now. My thoughts on playing and coaching golf changed forever back in 2010 after visiting a marketing seminar. I learned about the power of the 80/20 Rule and Less is More. These ideas helped explain my thoughts on golf learning and performance and highlighted why I…

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The 80/20 Golf Swing

Over the years I’ve had 3 profound golf learning experiences: The first was when I discovered the miracle that is natural learning. The must-read book, The Inner Game of Golf (by Tim Gallwey) set me on a path of discovery and mastery and I haven’t looked back. The second was when I finally, after years…

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The 80/20 Golf Workshop is now open

After months of planning and a false start last year, the world’s first 80/20 Golf Workshop is now open for registration. If you’re looking at getting more enjoyment from your golf, with way less frustration then this course will be an eye opener. The course is over two full days in October at the famous…

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Golfer gets an 80/20 golf lesson

Last night I had the following conversation with a keen bean golfer… Golfer: I’m really struggling around the greens. Our course has some thick grass around the greens and I can’t get the ball out! Me: I have got a simple solution for you but I’m worried you’ll think I’m being a smart bum. Golfer:…

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The sneaky way to improve your golf swing

I’ve uploaded the next 80/20 video on golf learning and improvement. And it’s a belter! Scott and I discuss some of the most important concepts you need to know to improve your golf swing… … and the ideas are a little different. Might even seem strange or counter-intuitive, but I can assure you the concepts…

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[Video] 80-20 golf learning and thoughts on golf coaching

I’ve just uploaded a new video to the website that I shot with “Super Coach” Scott Barrow. It goes into our thoughts about the state of current golf coaching (teaching) and what we think you can do to improve your game. There’s some great stuff in there and I reckon you’ll get a lot out…

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