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You’re only minutes away from discovering my learning secrets for a better game. Here’s some more info about your order.
If you’ve purchased a hardcover edition the items will ship in a day or so. If you don’t see anything within a week please let me know. If you live outside of Australia sometimes it can take up to two-weeks – but do let me know if you think something has gone missing.
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Thanks again for your purchase, you’re about to learn how to,
[green_tick_1_list width=”100%”]
- Unlock your A game more of the time
- Play more instinctively and automatically (maybe the secret of golf)
- Tap into your natural power reserves (hit the ball further without extra effort)
- Play more consistently
- Take your best game from the practice tee to the golf course
- Get your confidence back
Check your email now. If there’s nothing there please contact my support email
[order_box_2 width=”60%” + border=”4px”]Please note: Sometimes the notification email will nosedive straight into your spam or junk folder. Please check there first if no confirmation arrives. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you’re not sure or have any other questions. [/order_box_2]
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