[order_box_1 width=”60%” + border=”4px”]I’m now selling my golf books as part of my Simple Golf Improvement System. This is a more comprehensive multimedia product that gives you more bang for your buck. Ideal for getting your game back on track, getting out of a slump or reigniting your passion for the game. See below for more. Contact me for a hard copy edition of The Golfer’s Nightmare.[/order_box_1]

How do you play consistent, reliable and stress free golf? Wouldn’t it be great if you could “tap into” your A-game and play really well in those important rounds?

[headline_tahoma_small_left color=”#000000″]Most golf instruction is focused on your swing and this misses the point because so much of playing better golf sits in the mind.[/headline_tahoma_small_left]

You know the key to better golf is the mind. You’ve heard that 90% of golf is between the ears. But why do you try and improve your golf game by spending so much time thinking about your swing? This over emphasis on thinking about technique is one of the most destructive elements in the game.

[headline_tahoma_small_left color=”#000000″]Even if you do have a way of mentally approaching your golf game you need a way that allows some flexibility.[/headline_tahoma_small_left]

A rigid routine is useless. And many of those teaching routine are strict about it.

– you need to do the same thing over and over again
– you have to visualise
– you have to “think” in a certain way
– you need to be positive

But this rigidness doesn’t allow you to be you. When you lose the ability to play golf how you want, the game becomes boring (and way harder than it needs to be). What you need is the best of both worlds…

… A system that allows you to play with confidence (because you know you’re on the right track) + let your own personality and style shine through.

[headline_tahoma_small_left color=”#000000″]My simple golf learning system[/headline_tahoma_small_left]

This takes a look at the critical elements of your golf game, particularly the mental game, in greater detail. I look at the fundamentals of your routine and dissect what some of the best players are doing that you’re definitely not. And finally, I show you a step-by-step method so you can apply this to your game.

[headline_tahoma_small_left color=”#000000″]And this is the hardest part, isn’t it?[/headline_tahoma_small_left]

Integrating new stuff with your game. All the latest technology, equipment and the proliferation of instruction but is any of it really helping you? Why are you still frustrated?

And because it’s hard to make changes you tend NOT to try. You don’t improve and you even go backwards. Golf becomes a frustrating merry-go-round of poor scores and countless wasted opportunities. This is why my Simple Learning System is so useful. It helps you:

– better understand the key components of a proper mental game (and how to apply it to your game)

– allow you to work with your learning system so you improve quickly while at the same time naturally improve your golf technique (it happens without you having to stress and worry about how you’re swinging. It’s one of the biggest benefits of learning to play automatically)

– perform your best out on the golf course. This is where it truly matters and what the game is about. If you’re able to play well in practice, but stuff up on the course, then what’s the point?

[headline_tahoma_small_left color=”#000000″]Introducing Cameron Strachan’s Simple Golf Improvement System[/headline_tahoma_small_left]

Part 1: The World’s Simplest Golf Lesson – video

Part 2: The Golfer’s Nightmare e-book, videos and supporting material

Part 3: Secret Confessions of a Rogue Golf Coach e-book and supporting material

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Part 1: [Video] How to get an advantage with your golf game

Almost all golf instruction works against you. You play well one minute but poorly the next. You’re inconsistent and you don’t know why. It’s frustrating because you feel like you’re doing the same thing but you keep getting vastly different results. What you need is a clear understanding (without any fluff) of what is the RIGHT way to learn to play better golf. Here’s what you’ll learn in this 30 minute video:

– why you play inconsistently
– why you find golf hard
– how to play better golf without changing your swing
– why golf improvement really is no harder than riding a bike or driving a car

Part 2: [e-book Golfer’s Nightmare] How to master your routine (and your mental game)

The critical part of your routine is to know when to think (and when not to), how to take practice swings and the best way to “decide” on what it is you’re trying to do. Almost nobody gets this (because most of us are worried about our swing). But get it right, and your routine and golf game flows. You’ll play better naturally and you’ll wonder why you ever made golf so hard. Is all of this possible?

In this 85 page book you’ll learn:

– the 7 critical mistakes that are almost certainly holding you back
– how to master your routine and unlock your natural game in the process
– how to limit self-doubt and play with courage
– how to play with more freedom without feeling out of control

There’s also supporting videos and documentation that walks you through the main ideas in the book.

Part 3: [e-book Secret Confessions of a Rogue Golf Coach] How to OWN you golf game and become a true master

All day-to-day skills reach a level of mastery. We can perform them without stress or worry and this is exactly how we’re designed to work. But our golf game never reaches any sort of mastery because we’re never comfortable enough to trust our inbuilt learning mechanism. It’s a shame because golf really is no different from any other skill (driving a car, riding a bike, throwing a ball, typing etc). Are you able to reach a level of mastery with your golf game?

Here’s what you’ll learn in this 130 page e-book:

– how to play better under pressure and not worse
– how to unlock your natural game (swing) without stuffing about
– why your natural swing is better than anything your golf pro is teaching you
– how own your “perfect” golf swing
– how to ensure you continually learn and improve

Also comes with supporting material.

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[headline_tahoma_small_left color=”#000000″]What’s unique about this material?[/headline_tahoma_small_left]

Books are great. You can learn lots from them and they’ll always have their place. But learning happens more effectively when we ignite all our senses. So this product utilises the written word, imagery, videos and audio. Not only do you get more bang for your buck, but you’ll learn more quickly too. You learn what you’re doing incorrectly and then shown HOW to make meaningful correction.

Plus, this product has evolved over time. It started out as a simple PDF and grown. And it has grown thans to the feedback of my customers. I’ve answered their most pressing questions and created more content to help ALL golfers get more from their game. So my Simple Improvement System is always evolving and improving overtime.

[headline_tahoma_small_left color=”#000000″]Guaranteed to make a difference[/headline_tahoma_small_left]

I’m not into hype. Hate it and can’t stand all the crap that abounds the Internet world. So don’t take my word on what this package will do for you. Consume the content, put it into action and see what it does for your game. If you don’t get a spark, a moment of inspiration, an insight or something remarkable then I’ll refund your purchase. If this package isn’t what you expected then I’ll gladly refund the full purchase price. Just send me an email you’ll get an immediate refund.

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[headline_tahoma_small_left color=”#000000″]Special Bonus Material – for premium purchase[/headline_tahoma_small_left]

Get a copy of my Remarkabel Golf Mp3. This is a professionally produced audio that ties in nicely with the concepts presented here. (value $9.99)

Also receive a video of my winning swing and routine. I walk you through what I do and show you some of the key steps to playing consistent golf.

Finally, get two month’s FREE access to the Golf Tribe. (value $40)

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Standard - $177Deluxe - $187
DetailsSimple Golf Improvement SystemSimple Golf Improvement System + bonus
Instant Access YesYes
The Mindset ModuleYesYes
The Swing ModuleYesYes
Mastery ModuleYesYes
Golf Improvement ChecklistYesYes
Unlimited Email SupportYesYes
Bonus Stuff
All the bonus materialsYesYes
30 minute phone coaching sessionNoYes
Cameron's Demonstration VideoNoYes