How to play better golf in 2012

I’m on a mission at the moment and really harping on helping you “play golf”.

While my philosophy may seem a bit too easy I’m convinced it’s the easiest and fastest way to get the results you know you can. “Results” will vary from person to person. For me I’m now about having a good time, being in the moment and continually open to learning new stuff.

Others will be more concerned about their scores and handicap. And that’s all good too. I think if you can “get” it you’ll find deeper meaning and greater satisfaction – from here you almost play well by default. But it’s a journey, and not an event.

If you really want to start playing better golf then go over these important golf lessons. These lessons will not only help you play better golf this year, but for many years to come.

To help get you kicked off in the right direction take a peek at Grayden’s email sent to me overnight. Grayden has come full circle and has now entered the arena.

I’ve distilled my game down to “hit ball to that spot” and I’m liking it a lot. It has a remarkably calming effect actually probably because it reduces the game to its simplest level. It seems sort of like child’s play. I’ve had enough of playing “swing”. Its hard work, frustrating and really tedious actually. “Hit the ball to the spot” is much better. My pea brain can cope with that!

I’ve got a pea brain too. All of the crap, while seeming like a good idea, actually got in the way. And reducing golf to “its simplest level” opens up more possibilities for success than all the rest put together.

What’s something you’ve learned recently by playing the game?

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  • Gregor

    Reply Reply June 2, 2012

    Hit the ball to that spot – and if it doesn’t go where you wanted it to, then no big deal. Don’t worry, don’t change a thing. Just go and get it and then pick another spot to hit it to and repeat for 18 holes.

    • Cameron

      Reply Reply June 2, 2012


      And then enjoy a beer (or whisky) in the bar afterwards 🙂

  • t.r. sloan

    Reply Reply June 2, 2012

    Although I’m new to Cameron’s philosophy, I have found that Automatic Golf really works. If I can disengage my brain from my body, the ball flies true and putts drop in from everywhere. My problem is that I’ve been a slave to the scorecard for so long I have yet to play “automatically” for an entire round. I have, however, been able to regain mental disengagement on several occasions after losing it in the midst of a round. I think I might be able to refine, or practice and hone the steps to disengaging by intentionally engaging my brain during the course of play, and then restoring automatic play by disengaging again. Will keep you posted.

    • Cameron

      Reply Reply June 2, 2012

      TR: Thanks for sharing. There’s no doubt in my mind that automatic works, the problem is being able to allow it to happen. There’s a bit of a contradiction because if you “try” and perform automatically then you’ll miss the boat. And this is the biggest problem automatic golfers have, they can’t get away from thinking so much about the system, so they tend to struggle.

      Everything becomes easier when you stop worrying about the score, swing, course, playing partners and play the game.

      Look forward to hearing how you get on,


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