Panic merchant

The sign at the entrance to Byron Bay reads, relax, slow down and chill out. It’s a great mantra for a popular holiday spot (Maybe they should also add, turn off mobile phones). A mantra for a busy golfer could be, relax, slow thoughts and play the game. I used to be a panic merchant.…

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Key Ingredient for better golf

It’s tempting to try a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Change putter. Work on your grip. Fix your pivot. Adjust your stance. Swing softly. Nobody is probably going to laugh at you if you try lots of stuff. You may even get someone’s approval. It’s almost accepted as normal. But…

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Don’t go in the water …

Don’t hit it out of bounds. Watch out for the deep rough. Please don’t three-putt. It’s easy to focus on what we don’t want. We can get all caught up on the bad things and forget about what it is we’re trying to do. The best attitude you can have is to focus on what…

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Dealing with annoying golfers

Annoying golfers

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Learning how to stay focused for each golf shot

Staying focused for golf. Notes: Mental toughness in golf is little more then being able to focus on the job at hand. When you can avoid the many distractions that abound, and simply focus your mind on what you want to achieve, you’ll play better and more consistent golf.

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How to focus your mind when you play golf.

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What you can learn from the Melbourne Football Club

If you’re not familiar with Aussie Rules then replace MFC with any struggling sporting team you know. If you’re in England, you might want to insert  “Australian Cricket Team”. Melbourne FC have had a terrible start to the season, they have been thrashed by massive margins and the knives are out. They have sacked their…

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We can all get a bit overwhelmed on the golf course, worry about our score concern about our swing thinking about upcoming holes And that’s only a start! A great mindset to overcome this thinking is to say to yourself: What do I need to do on this shot? That one question will make you…

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