Important part of any golf lesson

If you’re having golf coaching then it’s imperative that you do plenty of this. Listen to this golf audio to get the MaleEdge full story.   If you’re keen for some private golf coaching then check this out…

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Swing freely. Even when you’re scared.

I was chatting to someone the other day and they were saying they have trouble driving the ball. Their problem is compounded when they’re playing a difficult or tight hole. It’s a common issue and nutrition hgh you need to fight the urge to tighten up and steer the ball. I put a little audio…

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Stub Your Toe Effect

Listen to the audio below to get some perspective on golfing mistakes and the odd really bad game of golf. I think sometimes (maybe all of the time) that us crazy golfers get carried away cash payday loans and panic when we make a mistake. I also think that the true masters rarely panic. They…

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The 100th Walking With Koda Golf Podcast

#100 This will be the last Walking With Koda Golf Podcast I’ll be doing. I’ve learned a lot over the last 100 days and will be focussing on a slightly different direction. I’ll also put all the best 100 into a Super Blog Post as a nice reference for you. I’m still going to be…

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An important question from Steady

Steady’s question

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Dealing with annoying golfers

Annoying golfers

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The Angry Golfer

The angry golfer

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Feeling your golf swing and eating a banana

Feeling your golf swing

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