A story about bunker shots

I joined the local public golf course when I was 15 years old. The course was built on an old dumping ground and I remember being able to smell the methane gas of the rotting rubbish. The course was nothing flash and within a few years I knew every bit of that course. The part…

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[Video] Improve your short game with these 3 tough shots

Since the installation of my amazing putting green I wander outside at around 4.30pm each day for some golf practice. And almost always I take my 60 degree lobby and do some short game practice. This is an area of the game that I definitely neglected, and if I had my time again I’d spend…

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Those little shots…

I’ve been receiving quite a bit of email about golfers struggling with their short game. I think it’s time to cover some of the basics. Before I do that, there is one key issue holding most golfers back… They don’t practice! If you are continually let down by poor chipping, bladed pitch shots and duffed…

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Oh so close

Dear golfer, A mate Andrew called a few weeks ago and asked if I’d join him for a hit in our club fourball event. A fourball is a popular game, with the best score per team counting, it allows you to have a bad hole or two if your partner can chime in at the…

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