Dumb Shot Addiction

Do you let stupid shots ruin your score? Like when you go for the hero shot when you know you should play safe? Pesky is the biggest problem here. That little voice that’s in your ear and he keeps telling you, “Go for it! You can do it”. And the second the ball leaves the…

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Pesky – link to audio Pesky is the annoying little voice/person who sits on your shoulder telling you all sorts of things, – you’re no good – you’re about to stuff this shot up – don’t miss – you’re unlucky – it isn’t fair, you’re better than that other guy – don’t hit the ball…

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Killing Pesky

Pesky is a little mongrel. Here are some ideas to keep him in line and get some perspective with your golf game.

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The strangest golfer I’ve met

I promise there is a golf lesson at the end of all this – just hang in there please. David is the strangest (in want of a better word) golfer I have encountered in my time doing this golf thing. He has sent emails and left the odd comment on the blog, has also purchased…

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Backwards and Forwards

Just prior to Christmas I had a coaching session with Timbo. What made it interesting was he was in his College dorm room in the USA and I was sitting in my office in Melbourne. Isn’t technology amazing! Tim needed a pep talk. He was worried about his game and thinking about making some swing…

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Expanding on nothingness

James wrote: Great story, Cameron, and a great game. Would you expand on how you resisted reverting to classical thinking in the middle of the round? Thanks! Here goes… This was a breakthrough round for me – I don’t think I’ve shot 8 under before. The only other time I got to eight under the…

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