Breaking free from golf score
I think I’m so focused on results…that I never truly enjoy the game. What if I played just one game without worrying about score? I’ll still take it, but I won’t become defined by it. What if I just play for fun? Just for one game and see how it goes? Don’t care what the…
Stop trying so hard – here’s an alternative for better golf
When we get over the golf ball there’s all sorts of stuff going on in our mind. There shouldn’t be but that’s just how it is. Don’t stuff this shot up Please get over the water Don’t hit it out of bounds Please make good contact Oh please God, let me NOT embarrass myself A…
Pesky – link to audio Pesky is the annoying little voice/person who sits on your shoulder telling you all sorts of things, – you’re no good – you’re about to stuff this shot up – don’t miss – you’re unlucky – it isn’t fair, you’re better than that other guy – don’t hit the ball…
Bridging the gap between the golf course and the practice fairway
Bridging the gap between the golf course and the practice fairway. Some thought, ramblings and ideas on playing better golf and learning new skills.
How to stop choking on the golf course
Stuffing up the last few holes seems to be a common problem. Just this week I received an email from Julie who managed to lose the last four holes in her match to finish square. This type of thing can be incredibly frustrating and unless you have a strategy, it can keep happening time and…
Why your routine is more important than your golf swing
Many golfers spend so much time worrying about their golf swing technique that they have little or no chance of playing their best golf. Traditional instruction focuses almost exclusively on golf mechanics so it really is not surprising that golfers place a high amount of emotional energy on their golf swing. They don’t know what…