Maybe the best quote in relation to golf coaches

Scotty is a legend. He looks at golf instruction from a different perspective. He thinks us golfers are a crazy lot and need to back our learning capabilities more. Last week he sent the below quote to me. I wasn’t expecting it but it rocked me – maybe the best quote I’ve seen in relation to the…

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[Special] A super golf lesson for today

This is a combined Walking With Koda and blog post today. It’s a super golf lesson and a must for anyone who wants to get better perspective and more from Automatic Golf. Here’s the story: I have received quite a bit of correspondence over the last few months from golfers struggling with their game. Their…

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Learning to push your comfort zone

This email is rather typical of what I receive each week. Thank you for all your work helping us golfers to improve, in your article about grip from the biomechanical research you say: Grip the club across the base of your trailing hand. could you please explain exactly what this means, where in you right…

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A Golfing Misadventure

Yesterday was my last chance to catch up with Scotty Barrow before my big move to Queensland. We decided 9 holes were in order and chose a public course just north of the Melbourne CBD. This course has received some publicity as management has been taken over by some prominent golfers/coaches. They have also attached…

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A tough, but ultimately easier, way to fix your golf swing

The other day I wrote about my experience of playing with some great coaches. I’ve received some great feedback from those guys and Scotty reminded me of another, more profound, incident. As mentioned, Scott doesn’t play a lot of golf. He is a once or twice a year golfer at best – this is not…

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What I taught 3 of Australia’s best coaches

Last Thursday I got to play golf with three excellent coaches. It was a social outing, but I was keen to learn as much as possible from these guys. Scott Barrow has been talked about here (and here) before, David Rath is the High Performance Manager at Hawthorn Football Club and Damian Farrow is perhaps…

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An expert coach has his say

I found an email from Scott Barrow while cleaning out my inbox. Scott has been a mate for a few years and we both share an interest in coaching and thinking outside the box. This post offers two different perspectives which I hope you find interesting. Scott is not a golfer, but is coming from…

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Be the ball

“I’ve had a breakthrough!” These were the words Scott first mentioned to me. He was calling from the airport lounge, and had been watching the TV before departure. “Not sure what event is on, but I’ve been watching some golf and it’s all making sense to me how a golfer should play.” The event was…

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