A super simple golf lesson
Here’s a really super simple golf lesson I gave a few years back. It still sticks in my mind as one of my best. And it was absolutely needed at the time, because this poor golfer was being overloaded with too many thoughts and ideas. She was getting down on herself because she had lost…
Power of Simplicity
I’ve been a fan of simplifying golf for years now. My thoughts on playing and coaching golf changed forever back in 2010 after visiting a marketing seminar. I learned about the power of the 80/20 Rule and Less is More. These ideas helped explain my thoughts on golf learning and performance and highlighted why I…
How to coach a junior golfer
Had an interesting email exchange with a client during the week. He wanted to know my thoughts on coaching his young son. While this article refers to a beginning golfer, the same rules apply, whether you’re coaching a junior golfer, or an adult who is new to the game. [Start of Article] Coaching isn’t about…
How to simplify your golf game
There’s a minefield of information available to us, Google, Youtube, TV, Books and DVDs. And if you feel the need you can spend hours, weeks, months and years trying to get through it all. But does more information help? I think not and if you’re to play your best golf you need to minimise what…
The secret of driving
When we jump in the car we don’t start working out where we’re going to go. We’ve already done the planning – we pretty much jump in and drive to the desired destination. Our golf game is not always so well planned. We get over the ball, and then try and figure out where it…