Automatic is everything

The longer we play the more we should realise the impact of automatic on our golf game.

Automatic is more important than tips and quick fixes. It’s more important than the past, the future, your talent, than birdies and bogeys, than failures, than successes, what your golf coach thinks, says or does. It is more important than style, physical strength or skill. It will make or break a golfer and is the difference between a successful golf career and an unfulfilled one.

The significant thing is that we have a choice every time way we choose to play. We can’t change the past and we can only effect the future. We can’t change the fact that sometimes the ball will bounce in a certain way. We can’t change the weather or what our playing partners will say or do. The only thing we can do is decide to play golf automatically – to play in the present.

Golf is hard. Our automatic game and belief in remarkable makes it easier. Playing golf can make us nervous, doubtful or even scared – Automatic is the road map to confidence, improvement and fun. It is also the only part of our game which allows us to be the best that we can be.

Automatic is everything!

I’d like to thank my mate Evan Spargo who inspired this post with his “Attitude” mantra. If you’d like to learn more about automatic, check out my ebook Play Golf Your Way.

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