Phil Mickelson

Phil Mickelson

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  • Holdini

    Reply Reply July 22, 2013

    Another thing worth taking from his performance is his comments when interviewed about his run from the 13th. He said something like “You cant force it to happen. You have just got to go with it and let it happen. Let it flow”. Reminded me of Mr Strachan.

    • Cameron

      Reply Reply July 23, 2013

      Holdini: great insight. I was so tired yesterday arvo that I just posted something quickly without going over the interview. I’ll try and do something more substantial today. Hope the golf is going well.

  • Holdini

    Reply Reply July 23, 2013

    Golf is better than its ever been. I know others have been through the process and come out the other end eventually. It takes time to see results but when you see them you know its different and its lasting. Its also enjoyable. I also know that I can improve more just by following the process! Why dont golf pros teach this stuff? I can see how futile their methods are now.

    I dont know what you think of my take on your coaching Cameron but I now play my shot from the moment I walk to the ball. I feel as if I am in constant motion and am dynamic. Previously I would be static over the ball and prone to thinking too much. Now I breeze up to it, give it a waggle and just go for it. Is this my interpretation of your “dance”.

    Keep up the good work Cameron. You do change peoples lives for the bettter.

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