Rain rain stay away – the golf green update

Bruce and Adam are back today to have a second crack at my putting green. The weather is threatening and Adam thinks he is wasting his time – I think he might be right. Bruce is an optimist, and reckons we’ll be just fine.

I hinted the other day that I’m getting a synthetic green installed. I did a tonne of research and found that this option requires the least amount of maintenance and offers the best playability all year round. I’ve gotta be honest here, I’m unlikely to be the type to get outside and be cutting, mowing, fertilising and maintaining a real grass green. It’s just not going to happen. These fake grass green seem like the real deal to me.

The synthetic greens are realistic – some of the earlier models were only suitable for putting because the ball won’t hold the green. Bruce is a guru of this type of synthetic grass and has pioneered the art of making them playable. His versions will spin and check and are 95% realistic. I can’t wait to try it out, but as I write this, it looks like it’s starting to rain again. Fingers crossed it doesn’t last long.

Here are some images from this morning.

Marking out the green - again

Marking out the green – again


Bruce blowing away all the debris


Adam making sure it’s all level – I think the rain will ruin his work


Bruce keeping an eye on Adam. Stay away please rain

Update: The boys have called it a day. Everything is too wet and we need things to dry out. Maybe in a week or so. Bummer.

If anyone is interested in a synthetic green I’m happy to discuss things with you. I’m almost an “expert” now and can help point you in the right direction. There are a lot of cowboys out there, and if you’re going to install one of these things, best it gets done properly. Fill in the form below;

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1 Comment

  • Lukey

    Reply Reply March 6, 2013

    It is said that Rome wasn’t built in a day so as much as it is irking you stay positive and you will get there soon
    Cheers Lukey

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