How to make your golf practice time infinitely more effective

Shane is a local golf pro here on the Sunshine Coast. He was referred to me by another client and we’ve had a lesson and a couple of games of golf. In fact, we played the other day and I thoroughly enjoyed it because, It was only my second game of the year and it…

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3 ways to play better golf and make better decisions

3 ways to play better golf and make better decisions

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Golf Biomechanics. Teaching. Coaching. Connecting.

Golf Biomechanics. Teaching. Coaching. Connecting.

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Advanced Golf Learning Strategy

Advanced learning strategy for long-term improvement with your golf game.

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Golf Swing Practice Ideas

Golf swing practice ideas. Discover what I think are the best practice drills for developing a better golf swing.

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Killing Pesky

Pesky is a little mongrel. Here are some ideas to keep him in line and get some perspective with your golf game.

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Go with what you’ve got

A big mistake I see is golfers trying to cram a practice session in before they play. I think it is the worst thing you can do; makes you think too much wares you out likely to get tense if you hit some poor shots make unnecessary changes get stiff and over controlling Once this…

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