The Gear Effect

Here at GolfGooRoo Global Headquarters I often get accused of not caring much about swing mechanics. This is not the case … … I just think that we tend to place too much significance on the swing and not enough on actually playing the game. Here’s a simple swing drill that ticks a lot of…

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Three Killer Scientific Golf Swing Secrets

Golfers like to work on their swing and search for the ‘secret’ or golf tip that can help them improve. Although I’m not a big fan of quick tips or jumping around looking for a miracle cure, correct golf mechanics are important. There is so much contradiction available in the golf world that it can…

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How finding the love of your life can help your golf game

Do you want to play better golf? Most golfers that write to me do but the vast majority don’t know how to do it. First of all let’s define what better golf is. My simple version is being able to play good golf out on the golf course. For most golfers this will be hitting…

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Why your routine is more important than your golf swing

Many golfers spend so much time worrying about their golf swing technique that they have little or no chance of playing their best golf. Traditional instruction focuses almost exclusively on golf mechanics so it really is not surprising that golfers place a high amount of emotional energy on their golf swing. They don’t know what…

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