A golf tip that can work wonders

Idon’t like golf tips or quick fixes one bit. I don’t think they work that well and generally are full of false hope and promises. Although many golf publications rely on golf tips for income – I strongly believe they do more harm than good. The following is more than a quick tip – I…

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Why playing more golf might not help your score

How good could you become if you had all of the time in the world to play and practice? Think about it? Imagine if you didn’t have to work and could devote yourself full-time to lowering your handicap. Wouldn’t this be every golfer’s dream? To play and practice on world class facilities with regular lessons…

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What I learned from The Open

So Greg Norman couldn’t quite hang on. I think his effort was more than commendable and he should be proud of what he has done. Norman made the Tigerless Open something worth talking about. He didn’t seem to have the same spark on the last day. A nervous and tentative start didn’t help the cause.…

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Can he do it?

I’ve just finished playing this afternoon – I didn’t have the best game but it was a lot of fun. I always think that the worst day of golf beats the best day of working:) Today I was joined by a new junior member who really impressed me. He has a distinctive swing, not orthodox,…

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Something Controversial

Visualisation is not required to hit a good golf shot. A bit controversial? I’m sure it is, but give me a minute to explain myself. I have studied sports psychology, dabbled in meditation and even did some NLP for a little while. These disciplines (at least some of the time) require the participants to visualise.…

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Critical Golf Swing Component That Almost Always Gets Overlooked

What’s the most important part of any golf swing? Grip? Stance? Backswing? Nope. At least not if you ask me. I believe the critical aspect of any golf shot you play is the walk to the ball. Sound a bit strange? Let me explain myself. The walk to the ball is critical because it is…

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3 reasons why automatic playing is not working for you

So you’ve given automatic playing a go but you’re not getting the results you were looking for. Below I’ve listed the three most common mistakes that will likely be holding you back. Not giving automatic a fair go. My strong recommendation is to attempt to play automatically and naturally for at least three rounds. My…

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Update on Playing Golf like Tiger

After Tiger won this year’s US Open I wrote about why I think he’s so dominant. Briefly, I believe that he is the most automated and natural athlete in the world. It seems he never plays safe. He lets go, and hits every shot like it’s his last. There appears to be little self-doubt, confusion…

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