The first thing you need to do if you want to improve your short game is to start small. Don’t aim too high and expect to improve all areas of your short game. Let’s start with the basics and creep up on the improvement cycle.

And I have to say the best way to do this is away from the golf course. It takes a little patience, but ensures your learning time is reduced. If you go too quickly you won’t improve, get bored, lose interest and be back where you started.

Sidenote: Although this will feel you’re going in slow motion it’s actually the fastest way to improve. You’ll see results more quickly this way then any other method I know.

The reason for this is that the golf course is full of distractions. You start to worry if the ball is finishing close to the hole or what your score is. You goal is actually to learn how to chip better. Actual results don’t matter just yet – let’s focus on something different.

Your initial goal should be to develop a basic chip shot. A little shot that you learn to repeat and rely upon.

And I want you to find a place where you can dig your heels in. Enough room for you to swing a club and without being distracted or cause too much damage.

I also recommend you don’t use golf balls just yet. Get your hands on some Almost Golf Balls and use these. These balls replicate real balls, but are safe to use inside or in urban areas. They are absolutely perfect for learning the short game because they fly nearly the same distances as regular golf balls. This product is essential if you’re serious about your golf – make sure you get some. To be honest, I don’t think I’ve seen a better learning tool for helping golfers improve their chipping.

Another reason Almost Golf Balls are so good is because you have no fear of doing damage if you hit a poor shot. So you can find a quiet room in the house or backyard, never get distracted and learn this basic chip shot. You can’t break anything! So your focus is on improving – this is important and vastly different from overloading your system with fear and other crappy thoughts.

Next: The Chipping Process

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