Don’t go in the water …

Don’t hit it out of bounds. Watch out for the deep rough. Please don’t three-putt. It’s easy to focus on what we don’t want. We can get all caught up on the bad things and forget about what it is we’re trying to do. The best attitude you can have is to focus on what…

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Putting long and short?

So you’re struggling to get a handle on the speed of the greens. You’re hitting putts both long and short of the hole and you have no feel. It’s frustrating, isn’t it? You have a couple of options in this instance. Here’s the first… … you can try and mentally figure out the line and…

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Some golf trick shots

Do you reckon that these guys hatch on their technique? Or do you think they just dream up inventive ways to simply whack the ball? Look and hit looks like the order of the day. Certainly looks fun…

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A story about bunker shots

I joined the local public golf course when I was 15 years old. The course was built on an old dumping ground and I remember being able to smell the methane gas of the rotting rubbish. The course was nothing flash and within a few years I knew every bit of that course. The part…

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Maybe the best quote in relation to golf coaches

Scotty is a legend. He looks at golf instruction from a different perspective. He thinks us golfers are a crazy lot and need to back our learning capabilities more. Last week he sent the below quote to me. I wasn’t expecting it but it rocked me – maybe the best quote I’ve seen in relation to the…

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The myth of the square stance

Golfers tend to waste a lot of energy on their stance. We obsess about it. We lay clubs on the ground and spend time concerning ourselves where our feet point. But I think this can all be a distraction – a waste of time if you will. There’s an easier and better way. Science showed…

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The 80/20 Golf Workshop is now open

After months of planning and a false start last year, the world’s first 80/20 Golf Workshop is now open for registration. If you’re looking at getting more enjoyment from your golf, with way less frustration then this course will be an eye opener. The course is over two full days in October at the famous…

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Golfer gets an 80/20 golf lesson

Last night I had the following conversation with a keen bean golfer… Golfer: I’m really struggling around the greens. Our course has some thick grass around the greens and I can’t get the ball out! Me: I have got a simple solution for you but I’m worried you’ll think I’m being a smart bum. Golfer:…

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