Tour player learns to putt more freely

Earlier this week I had the privilege of an all-day coaching session with Matthew Guyatt. Matt plays here in Australia and on the Japanese tour. I hadn’t met Matt before but through a mutual friend I had heard quite a bit about him. I learned that Matt is an excellent ball striker, has a wealth of…

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[Putting] Practice without practice

The Putting Professor is on fire! He sent me an article last week and then another yesterday. I think the weather has been poor in Melbourne so he has been stuck inside with nothing to do. So we can all learn from a guy who thinks deeply about how to take fewer putts. The latest…

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More thoughts on Adam Scott and putting

Some people might think that Adam Scott would putt better if he was able to hit the ball closer to the hole. There’s no doubt that if Adam was able to nail one of those 7 approaches in the playoff, he would have won. One of the commentators (I think it was Ian Baker-Finch) said…

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What’s wrong with Adam Scott’s Putting?

I was frustrated watching Adam Scott putt over the last few weeks. It was like he was putting with one arm tied behind his back. Just didn’t look comfortable or ready. He should have won the Australian Masters. He wasn’t at his best and certainly did well to recover from a poorish first round. And…

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The Power of Automatic Putting

This video of Jack Nicklaus shows perhaps the perfect way to approach putting. Take a look where you want the ball to go. Get set. And then putt. It’s easy to over-think putts and get worried about where the ball is going to go. But when you look and shoot your subconscious will take care…

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Putting masterclass: How to make more of those 3 foot putts

How to make more of those 3 foot putts. Recommendation: Listen to this a few times. There’s some good stuff in here that can help you unlock the mysteries of putting. Another tip: The closer you get to the hole the more relaxed and carefree you need to become. Golfers typically go the other way.…

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[video] Don’t make this mistake with your putting practice

Here’s a simple practice putting theory that I rarely break. But I see lots of golfers fall for the belief that if they stay in the one spot and knock in putt after putt that they’ll build the perfect technique and become a better putter. I don’t buy it and have never found this sort…

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Don’t be in a hurry

I read the other day that the founders of Google were so convinced of their product and the fact that people would use it, that they were happy for people to take their time in visiting the Big G. Why? Because they knew the longer people waited, the better their search engine would be. This…

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