Category Archives: Golf Instruction

The golf instruction techniques that have come from natural learning and scientific principles.

Is this a bad golf grip?

For the traditionalists out there you won’t be able to look. This could be the worst golf grip you’ve seen. And you’ll be thinking, “how can anyone hit a ball by using a bad golf grip like this?”. But hit he can. Joe got to hit some shots at the Golf Farm today. He was…

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A super simple golf lesson

Here’s a really super simple golf lesson I gave a few years back. It still sticks in my mind as one of my best. And it was absolutely needed at the time, because this poor golfer was being overloaded with too many thoughts and ideas. She was getting down on herself because she had lost…

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[Part 2] Going Deeper

The other day I wrote about going deeper with your golf game. Here’s the follow up response from a golfer who is making huge inroads along the improvement process. I now know why I play. I play for the imperfectable nature that is the game of golf. It intrigues me deeply that no matter how…

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This is a neglected golf fundamental

Di is seeing me for some golf lessons over the next few weeks. Our first lesson went really well and it highlighted to me (for about the 897th time) that many golfers don’t know a really basic fundamental of the game. This is not to be critical of my students, but it’s a dig at…

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Trusting your golf swing

Golfers everywhere are looking for the inner belief that they are going to make a good shot. This inner belief is what leads to confidence and ultimately better scores – so it’s worth exploring this concept further. It is a magical feeling when you’re over a shot and you know with every fibre of your…

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Playing golf without fear

It might not be possible. Doesn’t mean you succumb to the awkwardness or uneasiness. Embrace it. Accept that fear (or self-doubt or whatever you’re going to call it) is normal. No point in fighting it. When you get very clear on your intention and then swing like there’s no tomorrow, despite some fear, your golf…

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How to use your hands in the golf swing

Science has shown that the golf swing should definitely have a focus on the hands and arms. We have good control over these body parts and it ties in with how we perform most other skills. Client: Am I correct in my understanding that you need to focus on the hands in your takeaway for…

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The secret golf swing …

Anything I do on golf swing is widely popular with the general golfing public. Golfers just can’t get enough of anything to do with the swing. And mention the word “secret” and some golfers go weak at the knees. BioSwing Secrets is perhaps my best work to do with the golf swing. It’s my secret…

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